In 2016 I discovered the wonderful world of lithography at IDEM, Paris, France where many of my favorite artists Picasso, Matisse, Miro drew on stones run through steam generated lithograph machines still in use today. ( It’s a vibrant creative community where I can run into and print in the same space as contemporary artists like Jean-Michel Alberola, Izumi Kato and David Lynch. The idea of a limited edition of multiple copies appeals to my sense of accessibility of a fine piece of art to more than one person, one collector. At IDEM I work with a fantastic crew who prepare the stones I draw on and together we print. At the Kala Institute in my home town Berkeley, California, I had a hands-on learning experience of the entire lithographic process from grinding different stones, drawing with various oil based inks and crayons, preparing the stone with gum arabic and acid, inking the lithograph machines, and handcranking the printers to produce limited editions.

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